We welcome our new parents and it is important to us that we work with you to help your child learn and develop in their time with us. If you have any queries or concerns, please speak to your keyworker or you can telephone or email if this is not convenient for you. We are always happy to help and if there is something you particularly wish for your child to learn; we are happy to build that in to his/her activities. During your child’s first week with us you will have an opportunity to complete an ‘All About me’ form. This is a great opportunity for you to share your child’s likes/dislikes, additional languages, cultural celebrations etc.
We work closely with the community and the Southbourne children’s centre and are able to refer you to them for any additional help and support, courses and referrals.
You will also be provided with a copy of information about your child’s keyworker, their skills, qualifications and backgrounds and a copy of our policies and procedures in your welcome pack.
We look forward to welcoming your little ones to our setting and have many activities planned for them once they have settled in and learned our preschool routine.