Exciting new changes are afoot. New beginnings have brought forward new ideas, keeping the best and changing and updating the way we do things to benefit our children and our setting. Our vision is to create a nature-based preschool, placing nature at the heart of the program and using our wonderful garden space to its full potential. This means more time spent outside, learning about the elements, animals, plants and insects as we work through the full EYFS with a nature rich curriculum. We have teamed up with the allotments across the road and now have our very own pre-school membership where the children can visit, choose what they would like to grow, buy from the allotments shop and bring back to plant in our very own allotment area! All planned activities will have dual goals of addressing each child’s development along-side inspiring, sustainable and environmentally friendly values.
When weather is against us, we have planned indoor nature-based activities including our new Nature Corner, where we will encourage children to bring in items of nature they may find such as acorns, fir cones or shells.
We are hoping that we will be able to grow our own produce for snacks eventually in line with our healthy eating campaign but until then we are scrapping our £15 annual snack fee in favour of a new system, every Monday morning parents are encouraged to make a voluntary contribution of 50p towards snacks for the children for the week or donate an item of shopping such as; a bunch of bananas, a pack of rice cakes or a pack of cheese, anything topical or even better, something you have grown at home.